Hacemos el reclutamiento simple

Hi, my name is Carlos founder of Cloik.

Are you tired of looking for talent among lots and lots of resumes in your inbox? And also having to interview candidates on a video platform but keeping notes on a separate spreadsheet? Bottom line is you´re losing candidates because your hiring process is too long!

Cloik helps businesses hire talent smarter by enabling them to assess candidates soft skills faster on a 1 minute pitch video powered by AI to then move on to the video interview in under 1 day. It helps businesses hire better candidates by eliminating the “gut feeling” and boosting up transparency along the screening process.

In the competitive market of $3.4B, first-to-offer has the first pick of talent. Since last month we´ve gained 1000+ users and are on track to making 10x users by the end of 2021.

Join us today at: www.cloik.com!



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